Become a STEER facilitator and franchisee

Work for yourself and determine your own income by qualifying as a STEER facilitator 


Children that battle in school need extra support.

STEER enables you to offer the following services:

  • Identifying possible learning problems.

  • Remedial orientated support for children who struggle in school.

  • Teaching study methods.

  • Giving ongoing support to children to prepare them for tests and exams.

  • Working with primary and secondary school children.


The Training

Some of the subjects covered are:
• Teaching and child development.
• Learning problems and study techniques.

• Assessment and Intervention
• Business principles and marketing (Steer-specific marketing)


STEER Facilitator and Franchisee Training

Become a STEER facilitator and help children that battle in school. You can be trained as a STEER facilitator and franchisee and work long- or short term with individual children or in groups. This will be afternoons at a school or by starting a study centrum for the schools in your area and work with children over a term or over a year, whilst earning an income working for yourself. Alternatively, you can present holiday programs for children that battle in school.
There is no formal extra help for school children although the need is very big and STEER facilitators and franchisees fill this gap. (You will also be able to work with university students.)

 In training you to become a STEER facilitator we focus on study methods (also tapping into the right brain to enable left brain integration), the research of Dr. Mel Levine (identifying and working on the brain clusters necessary for school achievement, specific learning problems (e.g. dyslexia, Irlin etc.) and behavioral problems (e.g. ADHD, trauma etc.).  
Finally, we teach you the business side (how to structure your business, to market your business etc.) and we provide all you need to run your franchise (logo, lay-out for marketing material, intake-forms etc.).

Our STEER training is now ONLINE.

For STEER facilitators:  [OPTION 1]
12x modules at R1900 per module (1 module per month). Alternatively: R950 per month and receive a module every 2nd month.

Module 1:  Basic information needed to work with children
Module 2:  Intro to specific learning challenges
Module 3:  Basic assessment tools
Module 4:  Basic intervention
Module 5:  Study techniques 1
Module 6:  Study techniques 2
Module 7:  Assessment 2
Module 8:  Intervention 2
Module 9:  Workshop over 2 days (to ensure that material was integrated correctly)
Module 10:  Business principles
Module 11:  Working as a steer facilitator/running a franchise/agency
Module 12:  Workshop over 2 days (focus on business development)

You can only start to work as a STEER facilitator/franchisee once all the modules is completed and you received your certification.
There is also an extra short course (optional) on how to work with children younger than 10. The cost of this optional short course is R4200.

Training includes:
•    Learn to identify and rectify learning problems
•    Work with ADHD children
•    Teach study techniques
•    Work remedial
•    Improve children’s reading ability
•    Improve exam skills
•    Improve memory
•    You will also help children with their homework and to prepare for tests and exams


For STEER franchise:  (OPTION 2)
As above plus R4200 for Franchise (Total for franchise is thus R27 000; if paid as one amount upfront you will receive 10% discount.)

Franchise also include
All branding needed to run franchise/agency/study center personalized for you.
Ongoing business support.
All extra material in Afrikaans and English to support your study center/business

You will enter into a contract with STEER head office to formalize the franchise relationship. A monthly fee of R600 for ongoing support (starting 3 months after you start to work and use the franchise) and 5% of your monthly income for national advertising will be part of the agreement.

Potential income as a franchisee for ongoing study and remedial support:
R600 - R800 per student per month (groups of 10) for one and a half hours once a week.
Working at one school with 10 children = R6000 - R8000 per month
Working at one/or more than one school with 30 students = R18000 – R24000 per month

For holiday programs:
R600 per student for 4 half days (it works well to start children in a holiday program, teaching basic study skills and assess the children and then start working with them in smaller groups once a week ongoing)
For 10 students in the group: R6000
For 20 students in the group: R12000
For 30 students in the group: R18000

Potential yearly income:
This is a conservative estimation:
If you work with 30 children over a year on a monthly basis and you have one holiday program with 30 children, your income for the year would be R216000.
Imagine if you double or triple that!


For parents that wants to help their children (included a focus on specialized needs):  [OPTION 3]
6x modules at R1200 per module.

Module 1:  Introduction
Module 2:  Overview of special needs
Module 3:  My role as parent (what can I do)
Module 4:  Assessing my child (basic assessment and understanding of challenges)
Module 5:  Specialized challenges
Module 6:  Basic study techniques personalized
(Every module is accompanied by a video.)

To register:
Register at and choose the OPTION (OPTION 1, 2 or 3) you are interested in on the registration form. We will communicate with you regarding the next step as soon as you have registered.

A student/study mentor who will get into contact with you will be assigned to you if you have any questions.

Feel free to visit our website:

You can also watch the video of the webinar that Lorette Dye presented to give you a better understanding of STEER and what we teach you and how it works: